Desire As Medicine Podcast

52 ~ Season Finale ~ Reflection, Growth, and Celebration

Brenda and Catherine Season 1 Episode 52

Join us as we celebrate the culmination of an incredible first season, where Brenda and Catherine take you on a heartfelt journey from our humble Clubhouse beginnings to the full-fledged podcast you now know and love. This episode is a tribute to the trials, triumphs, and the commitment that made this dream a reality. We delve into the transformation of our sisterhood, the spontaneous mini toolboxes that arose from our desires, and the deep connections we've fostered over the past year.

Ever wondered how two people from different backgrounds can create magic together? Our diverse perspectives have enriched our collaboration and brought unique strengths to our podcast. Brenda's rapid-fire creativity pairs beautifully with Catherine's logistical grounding, creating a harmonious balance that resonates deeply with our audience. This episode emphasizes the significance of connection and honesty in a creative partnership, showcasing how mutual appreciation and trust have allowed us to embrace our individual gifts and create without pressure.

As we wrap up the season, we share our reflections on desire and the journey it entails. From building foundational episodes on self-love to celebrating our unique approaches to desire—Catherine's steady grounding and Brenda's quick execution—we've learned the importance of being honest about our intentions and obstacles. This chapter underscores the courage required to pursue true desires, the deep level of self-love involved, and the necessity of trusting the process. 

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Desire is Medicine. We are two very different women living a life led by desire, inviting you into our world.

Speaker 2:

I'm Brenda. I'm a devoted practitioner to being my fully expressed true self in my daily life. Motherhood relationships and my business Desire has taken me on quite a ride and every day I practice listening to and following the voice within. I'm a middle school teacher turned coach and guide of the feminine.

Speaker 1:

And I'm Catherine, devoted to living my life as the truest and hopefully the highest version of me. I don't have children, I've never been married. I've spent equal parts of my life in corporate as in some down and low shady spaces. I was the epitome of tired and wired and my path led me to explore desire. I'm a coach, guide, energy worker and a forever student, even after decades of inner work.

Speaker 2:

We are humble beginners on the mat, still exploring, always curious. We believe that listening to and following the nudge of desire is a deep spiritual practice that helps us grow.

Speaker 1:

On the Desires Medicine podcast. We talk to each other, we interview people we know and love about the practice of desire, bringing in a very important piece that is often overlooked being responsible for our desire.

Speaker 2:

Hello friends, Welcome back. Hey Brenda, hey Catherine, so excited to be here with you for our last episode of the season. I don't want to spoil your intro, but I am very excited about it.

Speaker 1:

So I will say that today we are doing a wrap up, a wrap up of kind of some kind. You know, it's really interesting in the podcast world. For those of you that have your own podcast or maybe you've been considering podcasts or maybe you're just a listener podcasts have this little season thing. It's been very interesting. I've Googled it and I've been trying to figure out, like, what seasons mean. Some people do seasons based on topic or people, guests, et cetera, and I'm going to let you know what the season has felt like.

Speaker 1:

For me, this would be our first season and for me, the first season was the first year, and for me, the first season was the first year, not that long ago. We really need a larger platform. The world is really missing out. To then start meeting with Brenda I know that on that episode, with Olivia interviewing us, we talked about this meeting with Brenda on a more regular basis to just weed out, massage out. What did we want to talk about? How did we want the podcast to be and feel? So this season really has felt like a one-year-old. It really has felt like, oh boy, we were on the ground barely moving, just staring at the walls for a little bit, deciding what things would be crawling, walking the tech hurdles. There have definitely been learning curves while on the ground and just in production itself. So for me, just looking back at the season and thinking about everything we've accomplished in the past year as individuals and together as a team, I'm really proud of us, brenda.

Speaker 2:

Oh yes, I am so proud of us too. I'm surprised and not surprised that we're here at the end of a year. It's really monumental and it's really exciting. We did an episode at 40, like celebrating the milestones and everything has been a milestone Like everything is really something to celebrate. Our clubhouse show was something to celebrate. It was wonderful. It was so wonderful that it was the foundation for what got us here, and I really remember that conversation that we had that day where you said we need to change platforms. People are missing out. This needs to be a podcast. I was like, oh shit, and here we are. And you know, if you've, if you've been listening all along, then you'll know that we closed our Clubhouse show in 2021.

Speaker 2:

And it took us till 2023 to get this podcast off the ground. And I don't mean that in a way that is slow. I mean it like we took our time and we stayed really committed and it wasn't linear. We were committed to each other, we were committed to the practice and we were committed to what was true and our desire to hold this podcast. And here we are celebrating a year. It's really exciting and I'm really proud of us. You know, we've talked about this so many times, you and I, catherine, offline and even online, about how proud we are of this project and how great it is to have a partner to be accountable for, to be accountable to and like. We show up. You know, we show up for ourselves, we show up for each other, we show up for this podcast, we show up for our listeners. I show up. It feels so good to be here. I look forward to our meetings so much, I look forward to the recording. And boy has it grown me and it's grown us.

Speaker 2:

You know, I think in those two years, between the desire hour on clubhouse and recording the podcast, we really grew our sisterhood, we grew our friendship, we grew our capacity, we grew our trust in each other and we showed up. I remember they were Wednesdays for a while. We just get on the phone every Wednesday and we wouldn't always talk about this podcast. Sometimes we would just talk about whatever was happening in our lives and cry whatever was needed at the time, and it got us here.

Speaker 2:

And then there was a, there was a moment where we felt it, oh, it's time to get going, it's time to take action on this desire. You know, we felt it and I'm really proud of us for feeling that and acting on it, and I feel that we've done that many times throughout this podcast. You know, like with the self-love series. We just heard a call. It was our bodies feeling so alive when Dr Steph said she wants to have a relationship with herself, and all the bells and whistles went off in my body and we created a self-love series. It was absolutely beautiful. I'm so proud of that.

Speaker 1:

We also did the mini toolboxes, like. That was also an addition that came out of this year. Followed that whisper, and yes, I want to say this is having me think of our listeners and having me think about core rising desire. When you have a desire for something and it requires another human being, like you're creating something together. And yes, we left Clubhouse in 2021. We didn't start recording for actual podcasting till 2023. And the piece that I didn't know then, that I know now, is that the project was calling for us to deepen our friendship, deepen our own friendship, in order to get here, in order to get to the place of recording we're part of.

Speaker 1:

Brenda and I are part of different podcast communities, right, especially like the podcast communities that are built around tech, whether it's who's cranking out the podcast, or where we're recording it, et cetera, where we're editing it, that sort of thing and often we hear Brenda, I'm sure you remember people talk about like, oh, how do you get your partner to show up, or how do you guys get in sync, or how do you show up for each other every week? How does one not take over the conversation, like all these little bumps in the road that happen with people that we see other people talk about and I'm like, oh, we're not crossing those, we're not having to hit up against those barriers, because we've really took care of our friendship and we worked on our own intimacy prior to that, like our own connection prior to that. I think that's also really important when we think about co-facilitating something or just having a co-arising desire with another human, that being in good relationship with one another and really getting to know each other outside of the project, right, like you said, brenda, sometimes we would just get together, talk about something different. It didn't even have to be the podcast, maybe we're just crying or maybe celebrating something, but it helped us stay in the room with one another and continue to recommit.

Speaker 1:

I think this is really important for everyone to remember that when you're moving towards creating something with another human, that it's not just about the thing you're creating, that you also pay really close attention to your own friendship or your own relationship, whatever that looks like, because that also has to be tended to in order for the two of you to be able to show up for the thing that you desire, to be able to create it together, so that there's no, you know, animosity or resentment or anything, you know, all the other things that can come up and show up in the room when there's more than one human being.

Speaker 1:

We are humans and we're complicated and things do pop up in our lives and we can carry them with us into a room or into a project, into creating a desire. It will just be there, felt and potentially not spoken, if we don't speak it and we don't work on just our own honesty and our own relating with one another. So I would say I'm very proud of the attention and the love that we've given not just the project but each other for sure.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, I think that's the foundation for everything is our connection, because I love this project and I love this podcast and I love you and I love our meetings. We have such a good time. I really look forward to it. And you know, we all both have our own businesses as well, and there's been times over the last year where my business has been quieter or busier. I always had this podcast to come to. I always had our project to come to. I always had this place to pour my creativity into, and I'm so grateful for that.

Speaker 2:

And I want to say that, prioritizing our connection as the foundation for this project. It was so powerful because it allowed us to really not ever put pressure on ourselves to create Like it took us two years to get from clubhouse to recording and there was never any pressure or force or rush. And I think we have similar practices around that about attuning ourselves to our body and what's true in the world, and that was really helpful too. It's just meant everything to show up every week and create. And it's true, we are so different. You and I are so different and I think I've really grown in that area as well, like really appreciating the differences that we bring to the table and we get so many reflections about how different we are. And if you listen to the intro of our podcast, you know I was married, I had children, I lived a suburban life, I was a teacher and then Catherine's is like I was in some down and low shady spaces and corporate. You know she didn't get married and have children and like we've led very different lives. We have different backgrounds, our childhoods are very different, so we have really different perspectives on things and I think that's what makes it so juicy and I think we both bring something really beautiful to the table and something really different.

Speaker 2:

And I've I feel like I couldn't do this alone. I don't think that I could do this alone. I just love the balance that we each bring and that's the reflections that I've received from people and I know that you've gotten that a lot too. And it's a place where I've really grown to, to really appreciate my own gifts and what I bring to the podcast, because it's very easy to to say, oh well, you know, my partner does it this way and that's the way to be right. Like, cause, you have a particular style and I'm like, oh, I love that. Maybe I want more of that Right, but I wouldn't want to exchange that for who I am and what I bring, like there's a gift that I bring that I've been able to really sink into and appreciate in myself, which has been a really beautiful gift for me, and I think that we do balance each other out so well on on while we're recording and behind the scenes, like we could really laugh and tell some funny stories about that. Any thoughts?

Speaker 1:

on that women are someone somewhat get a bad rap for when we're very competitive with one another, right? Or when we compare each other, compare ourselves to each other, and I love how you put it. You said you know appreciating the differences. Like you got to a place where you could really appreciate oh, I am this way and Catherine is this way. I, brenda, am this way, catherine is that way, and I think it's a gorgeous exercise to really feel into what is my strength and what is this person's strength. Right, just assuming that we both have strengths, versus assuming that the strength and the beauty that I am adoring in the other person, or exalting in the other person, or admiring in the other person, somehow cancels anything that I bring out, because it doesn't. But this is a great example of that. This is a great example of that. Yes, it has definitely put us in a position of we are different and I get to, instead of wanting to be similar to you or to be like you, to really lean into being more like me and allow you to also lean into you being more like you and trusting that. It's the right combination. And, yes, I've had tons and tons of reflection from all different people that have listened to the podcast tell me that that's one of the things that they love about the podcast, which is our flavors, because we were so different. I think it's so lovely for other people to hear I've also gotten the reflection of how much love and appreciation we have for one another and how it is transferred on the podcast. People can actually feel it. It's palpable, and I would say that comes from all the tending that we've had on our intimacy and our relationship. So I love that we have got to the place of.

Speaker 1:

I don't want to be exactly like this other person, but what am I bringing to the table? Like, how do I show up as more me? Like, how do I show up as more me? I don't know if I have had this opportunity in the same way in any other space. I think this has been unique to this project, especially before I asked you hey, would you be willing to talk about desire with me? I was looking at you with that eye, like who does desire, looks at desire, lives their life in this way of more flow.

Speaker 1:

And for our listeners I'd say that behind the scenes I have this term I say that Brenda is the gas and I'm the brakes, like, brenda will get an idea and she wants to go from zero to a thousand in a matter of milliseconds, and I am the brakes. I'm like, hang on. What are the logistics Like? What is this going to take? Let's plan this out. Hang on, I don't want to get ahead of myself. And so, behind the scenes too, it's been a really gorgeous opportunity to experience this with someone else that has so much gas. No-transcript.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I think we've really grown to appreciate that in each other. You know, going back to the beginning and I've told this story before at the very beginning you said we're going to, I really want to create a bunch of episodes where we really give the basics of desire, desire and I was like what let's have guests on, let's have guests on, that's so much fun. And you were really insistent and I'm so grateful for that because I learned a lot inside of that. You were insistent that we're going to cover the basics. You know you were.

Speaker 2:

You know we had a conversation about it, but you were very firm in your desire and you could see that. And I couldn't see that and I am pretty flexible and I could feel your firmness and I was like, okay, great, let's do it. And inside of that I was also able to see my own resistance to that as well and how confronting it really was to talk about some of these topics. But I've really learned to appreciate the. You call it the breaks. I don't always think you're the breaks. You have a lot of desire too.

Speaker 2:

The whole thing was your desire, but the I don't even know if slowness is the word, but like the steadiness yes, we said it at the same time that you bring. And then there were other times where you know, we would talk about something and I would say let's do this, let's do that, and I would want to do it. And you're like wait, slow down, girl. There's a lot of parts to this, but I think that we've really embraced each other in this way, and there's times where I will get inspired to do something and I'm like let's do it right now. Like creating the Instagram was a perfect example we talked about.

Speaker 2:

You know, as we've grown our capacity for this podcast, we've been able to add certain pieces, and we didn't have an Instagram for many, many months. And then, all of a sudden, I just felt like, oh, we, maybe we have an Instagram. But then I realized, you know, I was like okay, I'm going to create an Instagram. I just did it that night. But then I realized, oh God, catherine was right. There's a lot of parts to creating an.

Speaker 2:

Instagram because it meant going back this is where she always laughs. It meant going back because I really wanted to have them in order and if you go onto her instagram, it starts at the very beginning, and so I had to go back. I was like, oh, wow, I have to put in each thumbnail and then I have to write each piece like that's not something that my quick desire wants to always realize and and it's a gift I've realized oh, that's actually a gift, because I created that Instagram in two days and now we have it.

Speaker 1:

So there is a gift, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So it's like there's a time to slow down and there's a time to speed up, and I think we have learned to embrace ourselves in that way and then also listen to each other. Sometimes you're like, all right, you just go, girl, you just go do that thing. So it's been a lot of fun in that way.

Speaker 1:

It works it does. I think that you'll come forward and you'll say, oh, I, for example, the Instagram, I'm going to get this out, and et cetera. You'll go and you bang it out super fast and I'm more steady. I have like the maybe it's my ability to hold the vision, like to see, oh, I can see this far out. And when you talk about our different skills, right, that that's where I'm steady. I'm like, oh, I could really see the cadence here. Steady, I'm like, oh, I could really see the cadence here. Oh, I could see where we're moving to.

Speaker 1:

Next, I want to say we're wrapping up this season and I feel really proud of what we've created. The first eight episodes are really the foundation of desire and I know I've said this before, I will say it again you and I, together combined, have definitely had a lot of sweat and tears around desire, like really have some time on the mat, still feeling like beginners. But there are certain things that we can definitely teach and I feel proud that people can come and listen and listen to the basics and take away some real gems for themselves and implement these pieces. Earlier today, we were talking about how rich and colorful life gets to be and how. The truth is that you don't know what you don't know. And as I celebrate this milestone of closing out the season, closing out this year, I'm so grateful that we got to do this together.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I feel the same way. I feel really grateful that we've gotten to do this. This is a treasure trove, this podcast. It's so beautiful. Those first eight episodes are a course on desire. Like you know, if we had the ability to create it and market it and sell it as a course on desire, it would give people the foundation of desire. It's so beautiful and I'm really proud of that, and we've gone in so many beautiful directions and we've covered so many incredible topics like honesty and, I'm going to say, motivation, even though we busted that myth that it's actually just committing to yourself and what it means to love ourselves. That self-love series was really beautiful. It was so organic and so natural and I think it really matters. I think it really matters.

Speaker 2:

If I were to have one desire for this podcast, it would be how do we increase people listening? Because I really think that we're talking about meaningful, important topics here. Because I know when I go out and I'm out in the world, I'm out to dinner, I'm with people and we start talking about these topics. Everyone's so into it. I've had so many incredible conversations with people who are just really new to desire and like who are just really new to desire and like what, what, what do you mean? I just follow the next breadcrumb and I don't get attached to the end result. What? It's a journey, you know. And then there's other people who have been practicing desire for the years and the conversations are more nuanced and it gets really fun and I'm really proud of what we've created here. Yeah, so if I had a desire, it would be like how can we, how can we share this more? How can we have more listeners? And I don't have the answer right now. It's just following the next and I don't have the answer right now.

Speaker 1:

It's just following the next doing the next right thing. Brenda, and I talk about this often I'm just going to say I continue to tell her this. Now it's going to be here in. What is it called when you bury something in the ground?

Speaker 2:

I don't know Time capsule.

Speaker 1:

Oh, a time capsule. I'm going to put this in the time capsule. The way people hear about the podcast is that we have to be interviewed on podcasts.

Speaker 2:

Ah, she says it. Yeah, if you have a podcast and you want to interview us on Desire one or both of us we're down for that. And if you like this podcast, if you've learned anything, if you've gotten any nuggets for your life, share it.

Speaker 1:

It matters. What would you say, as I think we're starting to wind down, what would you say this season has taught you either the top number one lesson or your top three lessons. This past year, just holding being a co-host on this podcast, what would you say is your top one or top three lessons on desire?

Speaker 2:

Oh, top lessons on desire. I thought you were going to ask a different question.

Speaker 1:

Is your question better?

Speaker 2:

I thought you were going to say what's something I learned being a co-host on this podcast, but they're both really great questions.

Speaker 1:

You can answer what you've learned and then you can tell me about desire.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and then I'll. I'll think about that. Yeah, I've, I've, really I've learned so much. I I've learned what it means to commit to a project and commit to another person, like we talked about, and now I have this great example in my body and in my life of this project that I've committed to. I know what that feels like to show up every week and create something with someone else and with myself. That has been really meaningful.

Speaker 2:

And another thing I've talked about a lot is something that I've learned in a way that I've really grown like the real true you're going to get the real vulnerable answer now like the real true nugget is I have learned to be with my own voice on this podcast and really trust myself as a podcaster, as a speaker. It's not something that I had a lot of confidence about, which is really funny, because I was a teacher for 22 years and I've done a lot of speaking. But this podcast has brought me into kind of like a I'm going to say fast track, but I don't literally mean fast, but like a cauldron to explore every week how to show up and not be in my head but actually be in my body. And I've worked through so many visibility pieces of how it feels to speak. Oh, I have to say something brilliant, and then I go into my head and then I don't know what to say. But if I could just drop my ego there, which I've learned and continue to learn to do, and just trust and have a conversation with you and trust that I'm here for a reason and I know what to say, and just really be in my body.

Speaker 2:

And that has been the biggest, most powerful lesson for me overall and as someone who is the editing team. This has been a big part of it, of going in and I've had the opportunity put it that in quotes to edit myself, and I did go get into a loop a couple of times of trying to over edit out things that I said that I didn't like, and I would come full circle and be like, oh wow, look at me editing myself to try and make it sound perfect, when this is not about perfection, and this is what we're talking about in desire. Life is not about perfection. It's really just about moving forward and leaning in and trying this thing and learning from it, and I don't do that anymore. But there's things to learn. There's a lot of skills that I've learned and it's been a really big project in trusting myself.

Speaker 1:

I love those three things that you've learned while holding this project. Would you say that there's any? Either one or three things that hit your top rating scale on learnings around desire.

Speaker 2:

Desire. Oh my goodness, you know. Okay, here it is. Okay. Here it is Trusting the process. I really trust the process.

Speaker 2:

You have a desire, you state it in the world, you state it to yourself, you state it to another person, and then you follow that desire whenever you're ready, and it takes you on a ride whenever you're ready and it takes you on a ride, takes you on a ride. You may or may not ever have that thing, but it's like a dance. You're, you're holding the vision of this desire that you, that you felt come from your body, and then you're also simultaneously letting go of attachment to it and following the next thing. And it's quite a journey, you know. It takes you on all these. It's like a ride at an amusement park. It takes you to all these places and sometimes you're upside down and you're like where am I?

Speaker 2:

What is this desire? But you're on the path. So it's just about trusting. So for me, it's really about trusting my desires and holding that and enjoying the ride and taking the lessons as they come and just keep going. Just keep going, because I do have desires that I don't know how I'm going to have them, but I want it, I want that thing and I'm just going to keep going baby steps towards it.

Speaker 1:

So good, baby steps.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, all right, catherine, I want to know what you learned about desire.

Speaker 1:

There have been a few ahas throughout the year with podcasts. There's definitely been places where it's been transmission and we get to teach and it's so fun. And then there have been moments where it's like I've just taken my own breath away or you've taken my breath away and I'm like, oh, I really see this from a different perspective. One of the bigger ones was looking at desire with the lens of self-love. For sure, I had not up until now now really made that connection of how do you really put yourself first enough to go after something that you want without honoring yourself? Does that even exist? How can we do that? And realizing, oh wow, exist. How can we do that? And realizing, oh wow, yes, there's a particular, there's a certain level of self-love required to go after what you want, especially when it's a truer desire. That's about the journey and less about attainment. I don't think I thought to myself, oh, I really have to love myself in order to have this four-year degree or diploma, or I really have to love myself to get this job. But oh, wow, I'm seeing this part about myself, this place where potentially I don't see the world as glass half full anymore, potentially seeing moments when I'm seeing the glass as half empty, where I could easily bypass that and lie to myself. But instead I'm not going to do that. I'm going to be honest with myself, stay in the room and stay with what's true. That's what's the most self-honoring, that's the most loving thing to do. To be honest with yourself and that's what's going to continue to carve my path in the air. Quotes right way. I had not seen that connection potentially in the past in the way that I can see it now, and it could just be of constantly being in the conversation around desire. So self-love was one of the ahas. The other aha was honesty. That has been really up for me in noticings around my with myself and with others.

Speaker 1:

As you get older, you just have more opinions and, uh, I think it's really easy to want things, certain things. It's easy to want more, more money, more love, a bigger house, like it's easy to want to attain things. It's easy to want more, more money, more love, a bigger house, like it's easy to want to attain things. But it's not so easy to be honest with yourself as far as why, why you want it, why you haven't gotten it, why it's not in your possession already gotten it, why it's not in your possession already.

Speaker 1:

That would be another location around desire that I had not realized that honesty takes such a big plays, such a big role. I know that there's a phrase I think you can correct me if I'm wrong, but there's always more juice when there's truth right. There's just so much more activation. There's so much more to play with when we're being honest, especially with another human being. Few months how we create tons of more options for ourselves. When we're honest, it almost feels like a dead end when we're not, and in places of discomfort it's really easy to either not be honest with yourself or tell yourself you don't know. I've seen that as well. So those would be the biggest things that I've learned around desire. It's not three, it's two. There may be another, I'm not thinking of it right now.

Speaker 1:

As far as, like the top thing that I've learned, just being in the project with you and doing this Desires Medicine podcast, I would say, now more than ever, I believe that relationship is everything.

Speaker 1:

I know that that's part of my work and that's how I work in the world, how I show up for my clients and in my group holdings, et cetera, and all the ways different ways that I hold, I'm always looking at the person and their relationship with other, but currently I'm like, oh, even the places where I'm committed, what relationship is there?

Speaker 1:

And if I'm not really strongly committed, is it that I need to build more relationship there in order for me to be more willing to show up for myself and or for other? And you know there are also silly things like yes, it took me a really long time to hear my own voice on the podcast and thankfully I was not part of the editing team and so I edited a little bit in GarageBand, but for the most part, a big chunk of it is handled by you, brenda, before I get it. And just the other day I was going through something and I thought to myself oh, I want to. I'm going to listen to our podcast on commitment, and it was such a great podcast. I'm going to listen to our podcast on commitment and it was such a great podcast. And I thought, oh, I've definitely ventured into a completely new world where I was able to listen to the podcast, got something out of it and wasn't freaked out by my voice, and that, I brag, felt like a success.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that was really beautiful. We spoke that night or the next day and you said I listened to the episode and there was so many great pieces in there. And it's so true. I listened to all the episodes as we go. I listen in the car when I'm walking and I find it to be a completely different experience. It's really a cool experience to have recorded it and then I edit it. I don't listen to always the whole thing when I edit it, I listen to chunks of it and then podcast I've I always learn from it.

Speaker 2:

I'm reminded about desire because I think our conversations are so juicy and so meaningful and they, they, they touch my heart so deeply and the fact that I get to listen to them again just add so much to my life. And it's going back to what I said before about my own voice. Um, listening to the finished product, I'm like, oh, wow, I love what I said there. I could really feel my heart, like there's some episodes where I feel like a lot of our conversations where I could really feel where I was in my body and really tapped into my heart and really sharing something that I really want to share with people like to be of service and that has been just such a gorgeous, gorgeous experience and I'm really grateful and really healing I want to say really healing experience too and in those podcasting groups that you referred to earlier.

Speaker 2:

This is something that podcasters talk about hearing their own voice and saying things like, like, and I'm a lot and mine is. That's so beautiful. I really work on season two. I'm going to work on that even more and, um, it's really okay because I've learned so and it's really okay because I've learned so much and it's really been a beautiful journey of loving and accepting myself and growing inside of that as well, building more skill.

Speaker 1:

It really, overall, has been an exquisite experience to be able to come to an almost completion for season one with the gorgeous Brenda. If you have been around for the whole season and if there's anything that you'd love to share with us, we'd love to hear from you please send us a note on Instagram or look at all our look in the show notes. You'll have plenty of ways to contact us. We'd love to hear from you, and is there any last things you'd like to say, brenda, before we say bye-bye?

Speaker 2:

Thank you so much for tuning in, share it with your friends, and we would specifically love to hear from you on what are some things you learned about desire this season. What are your biggest takeaways about desire and maybe what did you learn about yourself? We would love to hear that Share. Write us an Instagram, tag us in your stories, send us an email. We really love to hear from you and we're so grateful. And I guess that's a wrap. Thank you for joining us on the Desire is Medicine podcast.

Speaker 1:

Desire invites us to be honest, loving and deeply intimate with ourselves and others. You can find our handles in the show notes. We'd love to hear from you.

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